Windows Live ID now supports Windows CardSpace

  • 1 minute to read
Well, this isn’t actually breaking news, but at the end of August, Windows Live ID added support for Windows CardSpace as a new way to sign in to any Live ID enabled website. Using CardSpace means you don’t use a password to sign in, instead you send your Information Card.... Read more

Linked Windows Live IDs

  • 1 minute to read
For those that have multiple Windows Live IDs, you can now link your Windows Live accounts together and easily switch between them using the Linked Windows Live ID service. To set this up, go to and look for the section called Linked... Read more

Windows Vista User Experience (UX) Guidelines

  • 1 minute to read
The Windows Vista UX Guide is probably the most comprehensive UX guide that Microsoft has published. The big drawback has been that it was only available online through MSDN. Fortunately, as of today, the UX Guide is now available as a PDF document so you can read all... Read more

Release builds are not Debug builds

  • 1 minute to read
Scott Hanselman has an excellent post on his blog where he talks about the differences between release builds and debug builds. Just to reiterate what should be obvious, as Scott points out: Release builds are optimized for speed and debug builds are optimized for, well, debug-ability. However, most... Read more

New and Updated SnapShots

  • 1 minute to read
The folks at Snap have released a new Snap Shot, called the MapShot. Once activated, it display a map of an address, a point of intersection or a location specified using latitude and longitude. This is the first release and only works with <a... Read more