Microsoft SharedView

  • 1 minute to read
Microsoft SharedView is now in Beta 2. While SharedView isn’t a Windows Live application, it is available under the Windows Live Betas page, and will probably end up being rebranded to Windows Live SharedView before it actually ships. Even though there is a similar application available to Windows... Read more

Microsoft is going SubSonic

  • 1 minute to read
Short on the heels of Phil moving to Microsoft to work on the new ASP.NET MVC Framework is the announcement that Rob Conery, the creator of SubSonic, is also moving to Microsoft. Rob will be building out SubSonic to sit on top of ASP.NET and the... Read more

Windows Live Alerts

  • 1 minute to read
To go along with my FeedBurner subscription, I am now offering Windows Live Alerts from my blog. Look for the subscription logo on my blog, just under the FeedBurner subscription panel. Windows Live Alerts is a great way for you to be automatically notified through a desktop alert,... Read more

Windows Live Gallery Updates

  • 1 minute to read
In keeping with the growing number of Windows Live services that are upgrading to the Wave 2 UI, the Windows Live Gallery is the latest to receive the facelift. Just in case you aren’t familiar with Windows Live Gallery, it’s the online site where users can personalize their Windows... Read more

Debugging Finalizers

  • 2 minutes to read
For the last few years, I’ve tried to make more .NET developers aware of the IDisposable interface, the Dispose pattern, and the importance of having at least a basic understanding of how the Garbage Collector works. I have one article on The Code Project and various blog... Read more