Visual Studio user settings per project/solution

  • 1 minute to read
Last April I talked about the need to have the Visual Studio editor settings (like tab size, curly brace location, etc.) stored with each solution as well as globally. This was spurred by an email thread between some of the Subtext developers and myself. The end result was... Read more


  • 1 minute to read
The HD DVD vs Blu-ray format wars appears to be over, in a relatively short amount of time too. According to Reuters, Toshiba announced that it is planning to stop production of HD DVD players and recorders. The death-blow was apparently dealt by Wal-Mart’s recent... Read more

Tampa Bay IASA Newsletters

  • 1 minute to read
It’s now been almost 2 months since I have been part of the Tampa Bay IASA chapter’s leadership. In that time we’ve moved the meeting registration to Eventbrite and have started sending monthly newsletters. (The February newsletter was very late, and I sincerely apologize to everyone. The rest... Read more

Post Categories and Image Galleries

  • 1 minute to read
You may have noticed that my post categories and image gallery lists are incorrect. I’ve submitted a trouble ticket to the GeeksWithBlogs technical support earlier this week, but it hasn’t been resolved yet. Since I use the category list a lot to help find old posts, I decided to create... Read more

What's Important at Code Camp...clarifications

  • 2 minutes to read
It seems my earlier post about “What’s Important at Code Camp?” might have touched a few nerves and may not have been as clear as I would have liked, so here are a few clarifications. I wasn’t implying in any way that sponsors aren’t important. In fact, it... Read more