Windows Live SkyDrive Improvements

  • 1 minute to read
I have talked about SkyDrive in the past and really like the service and the direction it seems to be taking. Just this past week, SkyDrive was finally officially released in 38 countries/regions. Along with the official release, the amount of space available has been increased to 5GB. I... Read more

Stop Visual Studio From Automatically Connecting to TFS

  • 1 minute to read
A while ago I came across this excellent tip from Colin Beales that explains how to stop Visual Studio from automatically connecting to a TFS server when it starts up. I didn’t need it until this weekend, but it works great and shortens the startup time as well. The... Read more

Windows Live Search Improvements

  • 1 minute to read
Last week, some improvements to Windows Live Search were announced which will improve the efficiency of how Live Search crawls and indexes a web site. The main improvements are: HTTP Compression, which allows faster transmission time by compressing static files and application responses, reducing network load between... Read more

Book Review: LINQ Quickly

  • 3 minutes to read
I was recently introduced to a UK based publisher called Pact Publishing. They are a UK based publisher and have a book focused on the new Language Integrated Query (LINQ) features available in .NET 3.5 called LINQ Quickly: A practical guide to programming Language Integrated Query with C#... Read more

Microsoft DreamSpark

  • 1 minute to read
Microsoft has always provided great deals for college students. I remember when I was still in school being able to purchase “Academic Editions” of Windows and Office at fractions of the retail price from the college bookstore. This time around, Microsoft is making it even better to be a student... Read more