
  • 1 minute to read
It’s beginning to look like the start of the Code Camp Season, with at least 12 scheduled over the next 4 months. If you are organizing a code camp, there is a new open source project that Jeffery Palermo has started called CodeCampServer. The project aims to... Read more

Reminder: February 2008 Tampa Bay IASA Meeting

  • 1 minute to read
Just a reminder that the Tampa Bay IASA February meeting is tomorrow night starting at 6:30 PM. David Hayden is presenting an Introduction to Aspect-Oriented Programming. Please be sure to register so we have an idea of how many pizzas to order. Read more

TechEd for Novices, 2008 Edition

  • 17 minutes to read
While I’m waiting to find out if I’ll be able to go to TechEd again this year I am still keeping an eye on what’s going on with the conference. For last year’s TechEd, Microsoft created a “Tips for the Newbie” page (which is apparently no longer available) and I... Read more

Starting to Tag

  • 1 minute to read
As you might have noticed, my last post included Technorati tags. This blog has been listed with Technorati for quite a while now, but I’ve never actually tagged any of the posts. Even when Subtext added tag cloud support, I didn’t bother with it. I’m not sure why I... Read more

Outlook Connector Calendar Sync

  • 1 minute to read
One of the more irksome qualities about the Outlook Connector was the lack of Calendar synchronization, particularly with the new Windows Live Calendar. If you were an MSN subscriber it would work, but if you had just a Hotmail (or Windows Live) account it wouldn’t. This also applied even if... Read more