Unit Testing and Expected Exceptions

  • 6 minutes to read
When writing unit tests that cover methods that can throw known exceptions, you generally want to make sure that your tests actually test the conditions that can cause the exception and that you do, in fact, throw the correct exception. Most unit test frameworks, including MSTest and NUnit, use an... Read more

Microsoft Test and Code Coverage

  • 1 minute to read
I have been writing a lot of unit tests lately using Microsoft Test. This included converting a bunch of old NUnit tests to the MS Test format, which was relatively painless. While examining the code coverage results (after all, what good are unit tests if you don’t know what portions... Read more

TweeTube – Video Sharing for Twitter

  • 1 minute to read
There are a lot of different sites available for sharing pictures on Twitter, but it seems like there are very few that allow you to easily share videos. All of that has changed with the launch today of TweeTube. TweeTube bills itself as being... Read more

Florida Technical Communities (January 2009 Update)

  • 4 minutes to read
Florida has a very active developer community. The biggest problem we seem to have is that all of these different groups usually don’t know about each and there hasn’t been a “centralized clearinghouse” listing all of the technical communities. Joe Healy, one of our Florida Microsoft Developer Evangelists, maintains... Read more

Some Clarifications on my Los Techies blog

  • 1 minute to read
It seems there has been some confusion and concern over my decision to also blog on the Los Techies website that I wanted to clarify. The most important point I want to make is: For those of you who subscribe to my blog hosted on Geeks With Blogs (<a... Read more