Parallel FX Library

  • 1 minute to read
In the latest online edition of MSDN magazine, there are two articles describing some upcoming additions to the .NET Framework that will add support for parallel processing. These additions are part of what is called the Parallel FX Library, which is currently in development. A CTP should be released sometime... Read more

Add vs. AddRange

  • 11 minutes to read
It was recently pointed out to me that not many developers are familiar with the TreeNodeCollection.AddRange method and how it differs from the TreeNodeCollection.Add method. Even though I am focusing specifically on the methods available through the TreeNodeCollection, exposed by the TreeView.Nodes property, the concepts apply... Read more

Using vs. Using

  • 5 minutes to read
“Deuces you say”, there is no difference…right? Wrong! In the C# language, using is a keyword. Unfortunately, this is one of those times that a single keyword has multiple uses: As a preprocessor directive used to create an alias for a namespace or to import types defined in... Read more

Latest email spam

  • 2 minutes to read
I don’t know about you, but I get lots of email spam, most of which I just completely ignore. I do, however, periodically review what lands in my “Junk e-mail” folder to make sure something wasn’t put there by mistake. As a result, the first email in the list always ends... Read more

Amazing Hand Shadow Show

  • 1 minute to read
I try not to post things that aren’t technical like this, but every once in a while something comes my way that just stands out and is so impressive that I make an exception. These were video clips sent to me by family and both of these performances are truly amazing. This is a... Read more