Microsoft Community Summit 2008 ]inbetween[

  • 1 minute to read
If you’re going to TechEd Developer or IT Pro this year,  be sure to come out to the Microsoft Community Summit 2008 (also known as ]inbetween[ or the TechEd Tweener Weekend, since it’s in between the two events). This is a 2-day free event hosted by the Florida user... Read more

Racing Balloon

  • 1 minute to read
My friend and fellow MVP Richard has a unique project that he started to help raise money for one of his local primary school’s swimming pool repair fund, which needs to raise £40K. He’s running a balloon race, which is being combined with Microsoft Virtual Earth to allow people... Read more

Null Object pattern

  • 3 minutes to read
I’ve been trying to catch up on my reading and came across this post by Fredrik Normén where he raises the question about returning null or using the Null Object pattern. Interestingly enough, last month while I was in Seattle for the 2008 MVP Summit I had... Read more

Tampa Bay IASA - May 2008 Meeting

  • 3 minutes to read
The Tampa Bay chapter of the International Association of Software Architects (IASA) is dedicated to building a community of professionals interested in topics related to software architecture. This organization welcomes all interested professionals. Whether you are a senior enterprise architect at a fortune 100 company or an aspiring architect... Read more

Source Analysis

  • 4 minutes to read
As many of you know, I’m a big proponent of code styles and standards. As part of that, I’m always on the lookout for new tools that help enforce (or at least report) those standards. Some of you may have heard about a tool called StyleCop. In fact, there... Read more