Historical Evolution of C# Code Style

  • 2 minutes to read
Jason Allor, the developer behind the Microsoft StyleCop tool has an excellent blog post about the historical evolution of C# code style. The post came about largely in response to some criticisms about the code style enforced by StyleCop and how it doesn’t match C/C++ style or that... Read more

Outlook Macro for Creating Meetings from an Email

  • 1 minute to read
I just came across a post by Michael S. Scherotter about his Outlook macro to create an Outlook appointment from an email message. This is a feature that Outlook really should have, and this macro fills that gap very nicely. I cleaned up the code a bit and made... Read more

Consolas for a Command Prompt

  • 1 minute to read
This actually came out a while ago, but if you like the Consolas font that ships with Vista and Office 2007 you can change the Command Prompt (CMD.EXE) settings to allow you to use Consolas. If you don’t have Consolas installed, you can download from the Microsoft Download Center.... Read more

PDC for Novices, 2008 Edition

  • 13 minutes to read
I started doing these a few years ago for TechEd (2008 and 2007) and received a lot of good feedback so I decided to continue the series for PDC as well. Session Types This year PDC is offering a slightly different mix of session types with what... Read more