Reminder: July 2008 Tampa Bay IASA Meeting

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Just a reminder that the Tampa Bay IASA March meeting is tonight starting at 6:30 PM. We have a great group of members with a variety of experience, so bring your architecture problems and leverage those experiences and creativity to help solve them. This is an open discussion format and... Read more

Outlook Connector

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The last time I wrote about the Outlook Connector it was to talk about the lack of Calendar synchronization and the fact that a new version of the connector was in internal Microsoft testing. I am happy to announce that the new version is out of internal testing and... Read more

Updated Outlook Macro for Creating Meetings from an Email

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Only a few hours ago I posted and Outlook macro for creating meetings from an email. I’ve already updated it with some new features (requested by me, of course). The new version is available on my SkyDrive account and has the following new... Read more

When Should You Use WPF?

  • 1 minute to read
It’s pretty clear that Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) is here to stay. In fact, use of WPF is becoming more popular and frequent, particularly now that Silverlight 2.0 is on the horizon. The problem is that there has been very little guidance available to help you decide when to use... Read more