Tampa Code Camp 2008

  • 1 minute to read
Normally the Tampa Code Camp has already come and gone by this time of the year. This year, however, it’s being held on December 6. The official website and list of sessions has not been published, but it should be available soon. Be sure to register now if... Read more

MSDN Developer Conference: The Best of PDC 2008

  • 1 minute to read
Did you miss PDC this year? Don’t want to watch the recorded sessions? Then register today for an MSDN Developer Conference near you! The MSDN Developer Conference (MDC) brings you the best content of the PDC presented by your local field evangelists and community influentials (mostly Microsoft MVPs). The... Read more

CLR 4.0: Native-Managed Interoperability Improvements

  • 5 minutes to read
Exposing a native application to a managed application hasn’t always been the easiest experience. The good news is that there are some significant improvements in the interoperability story between native and managed code. In the current versions of the .NET Framework, the process starts with running the tlbimp tool to... Read more

CLR 4.0: In Process Side-by-Side CLR Hosting

  • 2 minutes to read
The CLR is the core set of APIs that make up the .NET Framework. Each release of the CLR has added functionality, with the most functionality being added in the .NET 3.0 and .NET 3.5 releases. These releases used a “layer cake model” <img src="/img/posts/2008/2008-11-10-clr-4-0-in-process-side-by-side-clr-hosting/image-6.png"... Read more