Anders Hejlsberg on C# 4.0

  • 1 minute to read
If you attended PDC hopefully you had a chance to hear Anders’ talk on C# 4.0; if not you can watch it on Channel 9. During that talk, one of the primary new features he focused on was the new dynamic keyword and all of the new features... Read more

Brown Bag Lunches

  • 4 minutes to read
A while ago, Andy Warren of SQL Server Central asked if brown bag lunches/training worked. His answer was: …now to the question - do they work? I’ve tried it when I was managing, and sadly, it didn’t work. I disagree with Andy on this one, but to... Read more

Windows Live Sync replacing FolderShare

  • 1 minute to read
I have talked about both Windows Live FolderShare and Windows Live Sync in the past. In fact, the last time I talked about Live Sync it was to say that it was FolderShare rebranded. Starting next month, Microsoft will be officially announcing Windows Live Sync, which you can think of... Read more

Tampa Bay IASA November 2008 Meeting Reminder

  • 1 minute to read
Just a quick reminder that the November 2008 meeting is tonight from 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM (ET) at the Microsoft office. We are very pleased to be holding this meeting in cooperation with the Central Florida BizTalk User Group. Since this is a joint meeting, please be sure... Read more

C# 4.0: Dynamic Programming

  • 5 minutes to read
If C# 3.0 was all about Language Integrated Query (LINQ), then C# 4.0 is all about dynamic programming. What exactly does that mean? It means that C# 4.0 brings some of flexibility and declarative style of programming to C#. But what does that really mean?... Read more