Hanging out a shingle...

  • 1 minute to read
I’ve finally had time and incentive to put out a real shingle on the web. Most of this is due to Microsoft’s new Office Live beta, which provides free domain name registration and hosting (on Microsoft’s servers) for as long as I have my account. Office Live Basics... Read more

TechEd 2007 is not in New Orleans anymore!

  • 1 minute to read
This was actually announced a few days ago, but I’ve been a little slow catching up on the news. Microsoft TechEd 2007, which was originally going to be held in New Orleans, has just been moved. Microsoft hasn’t committed to a new location yet, but they actually moved TechEd, WinHEC... Read more

Some strange job offers

  • 4 minutes to read
In the past week, I’ve received three very unusual unsolicited job offers from Monster. Now, I realize that a lot of companies advertise on Monster and even more of them troll the resumes that are there looking for candidates. Mostly, these are head-hunter types that send job offers in... Read more

Are you running Debug or Release mode bits?

  • 1 minute to read
Have you ever wanted to know if a compiled assembly was compiled in Debug or Release mode? I know I have. I came across a post on Computer Zen today that shows exactly how to do this. There is also a similar tool written by Jeff Key, called IsDebug.... Read more

SafeHandle and Constrained Execution Regions

  • 1 minute to read
As a follow up to my Implementing IDisposable and the Dispose pattern article, I have posted a new one on SafeHandles and Constrained Execution Regions (CERs). This article explains the new SafeHandle class, introduced in .NET 2.0, and how to use it. I also cover CERs and how they... Read more