
Lots of ways to get involved with MDL2 Icons

MDL2 Icons has a vibrant community of folks helping each other out. You can report bugs, and submit pull requests.

Found a problem with Font Awesome? Feel free to submit an issue on the GitHub project. But please keep the following in mind:

  1. Please be nice. Font Awesome is a happy place.
  2. Please search to see if your bug was already reported.
  3. Before opening any issue, please read the generic issue guidelines, by Nicolas Gallagher.
  4. After doing everything above, feel free to submit an issue.
Found a way to solve a bug in MDL2 Icons? Want to contribute new features? Here are a few things to remember:
  1. Please do not submit new icons.
  2. Please submit all pull requests against *-wip branches.
  3. All pull requests submitted against master will be summarily closed and this guide referenced.
  4. After doing everything above, feel free to submit a pull request.