Microsoft Funding New Open-Source Digital IDs

  • 1 minute to read
Right on the heels of Microsoft’s claim that free software like Linux violates 235 of its patents, they announced that they will be funding several new projects to develop open-source versions of the CardSpace technology used for digital information cards. As part of this effort, Microsoft released the... Read more

Google buys Feedburner

  • 1 minute to read
According to a recent article on TechCrunch, the RSS feed management company Feedburner is in the closing stages of being acquired by Google for around $100M US. According to their source, who is rumored to be close to the deal, it is all cash and mostly upfront. The deal is... Read more

Debugging in Visual Studio 2005 with a Symbol Server

  • 1 minute to read
We have all had the experience of debugging an application in Visual Studio and run into the problem of not having the debugging symbols or having incorrect symbols. This is particularly true when you need to step into .NET CLR code to track down a problem. Microsoft maintains a public... Read more

Do not initialize unnecessarily

  • 2 minutes to read
If any one has ever run FxCop or Visual Studio Code Analysis (yes, I know they are basically the same thing, but there are some subtle differences) you have probably run into rule CA1805: Do not initialize unnecessarily. As I was cleaning up some FxCop errors on some inherited code... Read more

Search Driven Development

  • 5 minutes to read
A few months ago, Phil Haack wrote about a phenomena being referred to as Search Driven Development (SDD). If you don’t know what Search Driven Development is, there is a great article on LinuxWorld by Ken Krugler and John D. Mitchell. According to them article About 25% of... Read more