Windows Live SkyDrive Feature Requests

  • 1 minute to read
I have been a big fan of SkyDrive since it was first available as a beta release. Now that it has been officially released, it has continued to get better. Just recently, the SkyDrive team announced the top list of feature requests that they are looking to implement. The... Read more

Reminder: March 2008 Tampa Bay IASA Meeting

  • 1 minute to read
Just a reminder that the Tampa Bay IASA March meeting is next Thursday (March 27), starting at 6:30 PM. Mark Willoughby from Symplified, Inc. is presenting on Identity Management. This promises to be an interesting and informative presentation on the core principles and challenges faced when designing and deploying... Read more

NameValueCollection and .NET Configuration Files

  • 6 minutes to read
I spent most of yesterday trying to figure out how to make use of a NameValueCollection in a .NET configuration file. After wasting almost the entire night fighting with this problem, I thought I would let everyone know that it is possible, and easier than you might... Read more

Tampa Bay IASA - March 2008 Meeting

  • 4 minutes to read
The Tampa Bay chapter of the International Association of Software Architects (IASA) is dedicated to building a community of professionals interested in topics related to software architecture. This organization welcomes all interested professionals. Whether you are a senior enterprise architect at a fortune 100... Read more

TechEd Developers: Birds of a Feather Topic

  • 1 minute to read
Many of you may remember that I moderated a Birds of a Feather session at TechEd last year on Code style and standards. I am happy to announce that I will (hopefully) be moderating a follow-up session this year. From last years session, there were almost 100 people that showed... Read more