Visual Studio Optimizations

  • 2 minutes to read
There are always a lot of posts about various add-ins, code snippets, macros, and other utilities that are designed to make you, the developer, more productive within Visual Studio as an editing environment. However, there seem to very few posts that talk about how to actually improve the performance of... Read more

Reminder: August 2008 Tampa Bay IASA Meeting

  • 2 minutes to read
Just a reminder that the Tampa Bay IASA August meeting is tonight starting at 6:30 PM. Web Service Software Factory Modeling Edition The Web Service Software Factory (WSSF) Modeling Edition focuses on building the server side of a web services infrastructure, using either ASMX or WCF services. The new... Read more

Jacksonville Code Camp 2008 Presentations

  • 1 minute to read
For those of you attending the Jacksonville Code Camp 2008, the presentations for my sessions are available on my public Windows Live SkyDrive folder. My sessions are: Session Time Memory Management Fundamentals – IDisposable and the Dispose Pattern 8:30 AM– 9:30 AM... Read more

Visual Studio and Code Analysis

  • 11 minutes to read
Even with the newest releases of StyleCop, FxCop, and Visual Studio 2008, there is still a lot of room for improvement in the suite of technologies and products that make up what should probably be termed “Microsoft Source Analysis”. I know that calling StyleCop that name caused a... Read more

StyleCop 4.3 Released

  • 1 minute to read
A while ago I talked about a new tool from Microsoft called StyleCop. Since then, there was a lot of confusion surrounding the tool and it has undergone a lot of changes both internally and externally. Both Jason and Brian do an excellent job explaining the... Read more