Migrating to 3.0

Bootstrap Flat 3 is not backwards compatible with earlier versions. Use this section as a general guide to upgrading to v3.0.

Major class changes

This table shows the style changes.

Bootstrap Flat 2.x Bootstrap Flat 3.0
.callout .callout-* These classes still exist but are now styled differently. The closest equivalent to the older styled callouts would be .alert .alert-striped with one of the alert contextual classes applied.

What's new

We've added new elements and changed some existing ones. Here are the new or updated styles.

Element Description
Boxed content .boxed-content .boxed-content-title .boxed-content.left-aligned .boxed-content.left-boxed-icon .number-box .number-box-lg .number-box-vertical .number-box-horizontal .date-box .date-box-month .date-box-year .date-box-day
Switch inputs .switch-input .switch
Pricing plans .pricing-plans .pricing-plan-single .pricing-plan .pricing-plan-title .pricing-plan-price .pricing-plan-heading .pricing-plan-footer .pricing-plan-body
Icons .icon
Social icons list .list-social-icons .list-social-icons-sm .list-social-icons-lg .list-social-icons-xl .list-social-icons-bright .list-social-icons-dim .social-icon-*
Tabs .nav-tabs-pivot
Testimonials .testimonial

What's removed

The following elements have been dropped or changed in v3.0.

Element Removed from 2.x 3.0 Equivalent
Right striped buttons .btn-striped-right N/A
Callout links .callout-link N/A

Additional notes

Other changes in v3.0 are not immediately apparent. Base classes, key styles, and behaviors have been adjusted for flexibility.