Database Resiliency with Polly

Handling errors is important to make your application more reliable. We all understand the importance of Defensive programming (I talked about it way back in 2008), including standard programming constructions like try-catch, null checking, using things like Code Contracts), error logging and tracing, and a variety of other techniques.

With all of that, one thing that frequently gets forgotten about is connection resiliency and fault tolerance. This applies to any action that needs a network connection to complete, such as calling REST APIs, or an external dependency, such as a database connection. Network latency, connectivity issues (short term or not), or resource throttling are just a few of the unexpected errors that can occur. While these errors are outside of our control, they’re usually transient in nature and correct themselves automatically and, most of the time, quickly.

Resiliency is the ability to recover from failures and continue to function. It isn’t about avoiding failures but accepting the fact that failures will happen and responding to them in a way that avoids downtime or data loss. The goal of resiliency is to return the application to a fully functioning state after a failure. Implement resilient applications

Although we can write custom code to handle these transient errors, that’s a time consuming and non-trivial task to do it correctly. It’s much better to use a dedicated library for such concerns. The first library (at least that I’m aware of and used) was the Transient Fault Handling Application Block (“TOPAZ”) from the Microsoft Patterns & Practices group. While that project was archived years ago, some of the ideas it introduced have made their way into parts of .NET Framework itself and other Microsoft cloud computing technologies. The current approach in .NET Core is to use Polly, a .NET resilience and transient fault handling library. If you want to implement resilient HTTP requests using IHttpClientFactory, the recommended approach is to use Polly policies.

While that’s great for HTTP based resources, what about database connections? There are many additional challenges when it comes to making resilient database queries, such as determining which errors are transient and determining the appropriate strategy for retying. The important part here is the word strategy. Retrying database access is more than catching an error and retrying the query a few times before giving up and reporting an error. It can depend on the database server, the error that occurred, and even what your application is trying to do.

Although the retry strategy described in Troubleshooting connectivity issues and other errors with Azure SQL Database and Azure SQL Managed Instance is specific to Azure SQL, it applies equally well to on-premise SQL Server instance (and probably any other database back-end as well). Specifically, the strategy described is:

It is strongly recommended that your client program has retry logic so that it could reestablish a connection after giving the transient fault time to correct itself. We recommend that you delay for 5 seconds before your first retry. Retrying after a delay shorter than 5 seconds risks overwhelming the cloud service. For each subsequent retry, the delay should grow exponentially, up to a maximum of 60 seconds.

As you can see, that’s a non-trivial strategy to implement and requires specific retry policies in place. In searching for reasonable strategies using Polly, I came across How To Build Resilient Applications with Polly and Reliable Database Connections and Commands with Polly. While these are good resources, they each took a slightly different approach.

I used the Stackify implementation, along with some of the comments from @reisenberger, to implement Cadru.Polly, available on GitHub and as a NuGet package.

Sql Strategies

One of the main benefits here is that it wraps the entire retry strategy, as described above, in a simple to use (at least I hope it’s simple to use) SqlStrategy. A SqlStrategy instance holds a single synchronous and asynchronous policy, built as a PolicyWrap. This allows a single policy to encapsulate the entire strategy of policies in a consistent manner. It also means that a SqlStrategy is database-agnostic. The specific strategies employed don’t matter to the strategy, and executing an action using a strategy is almost as simple as using a regular Polly Policy:

var sqlStrategy = SqlServerStrategyBuilder.Default.Build();
sqlStrategy.SyncPolicy.Execute(() => DoSomething());

This code creates a default strategy for accessing a SQL Server database which handles a variety of error codes using a combination of a Timeout policy, a Retry, and a series of Circuit Breaker policies, all wrapped together in the correct order.

If you need to customize the strategy’s policies further, you can do so before calling Build. You can start with the default policies and add Fallback policies by calling one of the WithFallback overloads or a Timeout per retry policy by calling the WithTimeoutPerRetry method. Building the strategy validates the policies first, so it won’t let you include any of the default policies a second time. If you want to customize the policies completely, you can call either SqlServerStrategyBuilder.Empty or clear the Policies list on the default strategy builder. Finally, suppose you need access to the underlying Polly PolicyBuilder. In that case, you can call either GetDefaultPolicyBuilder, which will return a PolicyBuilder that handles the exceptions in the default exception handling strategy, or GetPolicyBuilder, which will return a PolicyBuilder that handles all of the exceptions in the collection of exception handling strategies.

Exception Handling Strategies

Since databases have a lot of errors they can raise (SQL Server has over 10,000 error messages it can raise!), I adapted a concept introduced in the Transient Fault Handling Application Block but updated it for use with Polly. To allow for flexibility in deciding what errors are considered transient, the strategy builder takes a collection of IExceptionHandlingStrategy instances. These are simple classes that implement a bool ShouldHandle(Exception) delegate. If the exception passed in is one that the strategy should handle, the method returns true; otherwise, it returns false. You can take a look at SqlServerExceptionHandlingStrategy.cs for some examples.

There are a lot of benefits to this approach:

  1. it allows the exceptions handled by the policy to more easily change over time without having to rewrite the entire strategy,
  2. it should allow more flexibility in designing strategies for other database engines, and
  3. it allows your application to customize the exceptions for your own needs without changing the core library.

Since SqlStrategy takes a collection of strategies, the first strategy in that collection acts as the default strategy. This is the one used when you call GetDefaultPolicyBuilder. You can change which strategy is the default simply by passing them in a different order.

Out of the gate, there are four different exception handling strategies for SQL Server, each handling a different set of error numbers:

Exception Handling Strategy Errors Handled
SqlServerTransientExceptionHandlingStrategy 40501, 49920, 49919, 49918, 41839, 41325, 41305, 41302, 41301, 40613, 40197, 10936, 10929, 10928, 10060, 10054, 10053, 4221, 4060, 12015, 233, 121, 64, 20
SqlServerTransientTransactionExceptionHandlingStrategy 40549, 40550
SqlServerTimeoutExceptionHandlingStrategy -2
NetworkConnectivityExceptionHandlingStrategy 11001

If you use the standard .NET Core dependency injection mechanism, you can use the UseExceptionHandlingStrategies to register these with the DI container easily.

Configuration Options

With so many different policies in use, configuring the various values can be done through the SqlStrategyOptions class. If you’re using the .NET Core configuration system, you can use this class as a strongly typed configuration object and read values in from your appsettings.json file. An example section might look like

  "RetryStrategy": {
    "RetryCount": 3,
    "ExceptionsAllowedBeforeBreaking": 2,
    "DurationOfBreak": "00:00:25"

This defines that the action will only be retried three times, that two consecutive exceptions of the same type will trip the circuit breaker, and that once tripped, the circuit will remain open for 25 seconds.

There are also some helpful configuration extensions defined which encapsulate the logic of retrieving the configuration value or it’s default.

Other Polly Goodness

To add or retrieve things from the Polly Context , you might be interested in the extensions defined in ContextExtensions. This includes the ability to add or retrieve an ILogger instance using the WithLogger, GetLogger, or TryGetLogger methods. You can also easily get a strongly typed object from the context with the TryGetValue<T> method or even add a collection of items to the context all at once using one of the WithContextData overloads.

If you need to bundle together a context and a policy, you can use an ExecutionEnvironment or an AsyncExecutionEnvironment.

Adding a PolicyRegistry to the standard .NET Core DI mechanism can be done with the AddPolicyRegistry extension. There is also a factory class, SqlServerStrategyFactory, which can be added to the DI container to easily create a strategy:

services.AddSingleton(serviceProvider => SqlServerStrategyFactory.Instance.Create(serviceProvider));

This takes both an IServiceProvider and an IEnumerable<IExceptionHandlingStrategy> as parameters, but if you add the exception handling strategies to your DI container, the strategies will be automatically provided.

There’s also a logging policy available, which allows you to log exceptions or handled results easily and then rethrow the exception. This is, for the most part, a direct port of what’s available in Polly.Contrib.LoggingPolicy.
