Favorite Visual Studio Extensions

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The Visual Studio Gallery is the best place to find tools, controls, and templates to help make your life as a developer easier and more productive. Every so often, I publish my personal list of favorite extensions. This is something I started back when Visual Studio 2010 was first released. A lot has changed since then. I have already published my favorites list for Visual Studio 2013 several times. As new extensions are released, old ones updated or removed, the list does change a bit from time to time. This time, I’m going to separate the list into two sections, those extensions I feel are “must haves” and those I feel are “really nice to have”.

The “Must Haves”

These extensions are almost always language/platform agnostic and just make Visual Studio better and/or easier to work in. A lot of these, but not all, are from Microsoft, Microsoft DevLabs, or Microsoft employees (current and former).

The “Really Nice to Haves”

These extensions generally fall into language specific or technology specific extensions. That really means they may only b useful to you at certain times.
