Updates on the Windows Phone Marketplace Requests
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Just 3 days ago, I launched the Windows Phone Marketplace Requests site. Since that time, the response has been staggering, to say the least.
At the time the screenshot above was captured, there are 600 active ideas and 3,228 active users.
In an effort to help keep the site organized and usable, I have added some general guidelines for submitting requests. Remember, there is just one person maintaining this site so I’m asking you to help me keep the request quality high. I also just upgraded the site to provide support for the following new features:
- Categories – These match the top-level categories you see in the Windows Phone Marketplace for both Apps and Games. I have also included two additional categories for “general requests”. These are the requests for games or apps that don’t already exist on any platform or just don’t fit one of the existing categories. With 600 active ideas, it will take me a while to categorize all of them, so please bear with me.
- Merge ideas – Previously, when a duplicate request was submitted I would “decline” the request and provide a link to the request it duplicated. Now, I can actually merge ideas together, which is much more convenient and powerful. When a request is merged, all votes, comments, and supporters are merged in to the “winning” request rather than being “lost”.
- User flagged content – This allows users to flag content that is deemed inappropriate. When a comment or request gets enough flags, it is removed from public view and sent for moderation. Since I’m the only moderator, that means I have to decide what to do with it, so please don’t abuse this feature. If I do see that it is being abused, I can (and probably will) turn this feature off.
I’m working with UserVoice to determine my options for increasing the number of forums. Even with the upgrade, I still only get one forum. The next plan up gives me 10 forums, but is more expensive. Even so, the current plan starts charging me next month so I may have to add a small advertising banner to help offset the costs. (I would rather not, but if I do add one I will try and keep it small and unobtrusive.)