CodeRush Xpress for C#
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Developer Express, the makers of CodeRush, have teamed up with Microsoft to make a scaled down version available for free called CodeRush Xpress. This is exclusively for C# developers working in Visual Studio 2008 and includes a selection of hand-picked features from CodeRush and Refactor! Pro.
A few important things to point out are that CodeRush Xpress:
- does not support the Visual Studio Express Editions
- cannot be installed side-by-side with other CodeRush or Refactor! editions
There are about 25 refactorings, including compress to Lambda expression, convert to auto-implemented property, convert to initializer and create backing store (which converts an auto-implemented property back to a standard property).
If you’ve always wanted the features of CodeRush and Refactor! Pro but could never justify the cost, this is for you.