Tampa Bay IASA - October 2008 Meeting
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##”Fix the Architecture” - Open Discussion</u>
We have a great group of members with a variety of experience, so bring your architecture problems and leverage those experiences and creativity to help solve them. This is an open discussion format and depending on how many people we have and how many problems we may split up into small groups or try to solve problems one at a time.
Please bring your topics to discuss. We also have a backup topic of Tips for Performance in a Web Architecture.
When & Where:
Thursday, October 23, 2008 from 06:30 PM - 08:30 PM (ET)
This meeting is not being held on the last Thursday of the month due to the Microsoft Professional Developers (PDC) Conference being held that week.
Microsoft Corporation
5426 Bay Center
Suite 700
Tampa, FL 33609
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Please be aware that the location has changed from the Kforce office to the new Microsoft Gulf States office.
Please be sure to register if you plan on attending the meeting. We use the registration numbers so we have an idea of how many pizzas to order. Starting with this month’s meeting we will also be using the registrations as a second opportunity for the giveaways at the end of the meeting. What does that mean? Simply put, if you register for the meeting (and show up, of course) you will get two “entries” in the drawing instead of one. Don’t worry about registering and then not being able to make it; we would much rather order extra than not enough. You can also always email us and we’ll mark you as not being able to attend.