CodeCampServer Open Source Project

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Many of you know that I’ve participated in many Code Camps over the last year, both as a speaker and as an attendee. The one thing that I’ve noticed is that there seems to not be a lot of resources for planning and organizing a code camp, which leads to very different experiences for speaker signup, schedule planning, etc.

Jeffrey Palermo just announced a new open source project hosted on GoogleCode that promises to do just that. CodeCampServer is a free, open source Code Camp management web application built on the ASP.NET MVC Framework.

The project is just getting started, but I hope it is able to turn into the premier resource for all things related to Code Camp. A few things that I hope to see from it are providing an easy and consistent way for:

  1. speakers to signup
  2. attendees to signup
  3. organizers to manage the schedule (and publish it as both an RSS feed and in ical format)
  4. people to find different code camps